(Click on any thumbnail to see full resolution image.)
Atmospheric Transmittance at Microwave Wavelengths (Petty, G., 1997. Retrieval of Atmospheric Parameters, presentation notes at American Meteorological Society Short Course on Passive Microwave Satellite Radiometry.)
SSM/I Scan Geometry (Hollinger, J. R. Lo, G. Poe, R. Savage, J. Peirce, 1987. "Special Sensor Microwave/Imager User's Guide", Naval Research Laboratory, p. 17.)
SSM/I Instrument (Poe, G., 1997. Review of Satellites Historical Perspective, presentation notes at American Meteorological Society Short Course on Passive Microwave Satellite Radiometry.)
SSM/I Global Coverage (I've actually seen this in a lot of different places, I'm sure what the original is, but I pulled it from Grody, N., 1997. Remote Sensing from Satellites Using Microwave Radiometry, presentation notes at American Meteorological Society Short Course on Passive Microwave Satellite Radiometry.)
Near Real-Time Ice and Snow Extent (NISE) Product, Feb 14, 2001, daily product derived from SSM/I brightness temperatures, sea ice concentrations in oceans and snow extent on land. Left side of each image is derived snow & ice, right side is age of latest swath data used. (NSIDC, 2001)
"Zoomed In" Daily Western U.S. Snow Depth, Feb 13, 2001, derived from SSM/I (Chang algorithm, modified for SSM/I frequencies), (I think resolution of overlays with U.S. State boundaries and hydrological basin boundares is ~2km--perhaps images like this are the reason why people think an SSM/I "pixel" is "25-km on a side"??) U.S. states of Colorado and Wyoming are at roughly the center of the image. (NSIDC, 2001)