File menu

New Locality...:
To create a new locality; data can be loaded into the new locality by using the "Import..." option. The new locality will be in the new directory with the name given by the user in the first dialog box. A second dialog box asks for the name of the control (".SAM") file, the locality comment line, locality latitude, longitude, and magnetic declination. All open windows are closed, the new locality is opened, and the .SAM, .LSQ, and .STEP files are created.
Open Locality... (command O):
Opens a locality by asking the user to locate the command or ".SAM" file. This file must be in the folder containing the demagnetization data. (If the locality has been previously examined using PaleoMag v2.0 or later, you can open a sample directly through this dialog). If the user selects a file without the .SAM suffix he or she will be warned and asked if he or she wants to proceed. Although there are some checks on the existence of sample files, incorrectly formatted sample files will probably crash the program.
Save As...:
Currently disabled, except for J/J0 window. In this case, will save a text file containing (on first line) components (if any) used in component J/J0, then headings of columns in second line, then following lines each have demag level followed by (for each pane in the J/J0 plot) the sum J0 value (line on J/J0 plot) and the derivative J/J0 value (ÆJ/ÆD, where ÆD is change in demag level; this is the filled rectangles on the J./J0 plot)
Remake .STEP:
The .STEP file is used by the "Locality Equal Area..." option to give the user the steps present in the data for this locality. It is created when the locality is opened if not already present and is updated if data is imported to this locality. If new demag steps are added to the locality, the .STEP file can be updated by selecting this option. This will also change the .SAM file's record of the stratigraphic levels and thus should be used if the stratigraphic levels are changed. This also recalculates the mean strike and dip of bedding over the locality.
New Means File...:
Create a new file for storing mean directions and their statistics. This file (an ascii file rather similar to that of the least squares file) is described in the Data Formats section farther in this manual. When a statistical mean has been calculated and displayed in an equal-area window, it can be saved to this file using the "Save Means..." option in the Statistics menu.
Open Means File...:
Open an existing means file for either appending data or for use in plotting existing mean directions in either Least Squares Equal Area or Locality Equal Area plots.
Define Sites.../Redefine Sites...:
Allows the user to define (or redefine) a mapping of samples into sites using the stratigraphic level. The user specifies the "site width." This is the maximum stratigraphic difference between samples within a single site. In practice, the program orders all the samples by stratigraphic level, then groups all the samples within the site width from the first sample into the first site, then all the samples within the site width of the lowest remaining sample into the second site and so on. This is usually quite acceptable for situations where the distance between sites is substantially greater than the difference within any site. Sites may also be manually defined; see the Samples, Sites and Localities section as well as the Data and File Format section.
To add data to the current locality from a tab-delimited text file. More than one sample can be in an imported file; demag steps should be in the proper order because they will not be sorted or merged with pre-existing data. If a sample already exists, the new data is appended to the end of that file. Three formats are supported:
  1. "No header" where each line represents a demag step
  2. "Single header" with sample id on each line
  3. "Single header" with sample id on the header line only.
The header fields are locality, sample number or id (1.0, 11, 20a for example), stratigraphic level, core plate strike, core plate dip, bedding strike, bedding dip, core volume or mass, and sample comment line. The header fields are ignored if the sample already has a file. The sample fields are locality, sample id (these first two are not present if the "sample id on header line only" box was checked), demag type, demag level, geographic declination, geographic inclination, stratigraphic declination, stratigraphic inclination, moment (usually in emu/unit mass or volume). These can be followed by optional fields present in the CIT data structure but not required at present in PaleoMag: error angle of the measurement, core declination, core inclination, and the x, y, and z (in sample coordinates, see notes below) standard deviations of the measurement (in 10^-5 emu). Details of these fields are discussed in the Data Format section.

If a sample in the imported file didn't previously exist, the new file is created. If there is no header in the input file, the user is prompted for the header info in a dialog box. If the "sample id in header line only" box was checked, all the samples in a single input file MUST share identical locality names.

Allows creation of tab-delimited files of the current sample or locality for use with other Mac applications. Can either output just this sample or all samples; column headers can be output. The fields are the same as for Import with its No Header option on. (Presently there is no option for export of the .LSQ file; however, this is easily translated by using the Change option in a word processor that recognizes white space. For example, in Microsoft Word use "^w" for "From:" and "^t" for "To:" in the Change utility option.)
Print... (command P):
If the currently active window can be printed (all graphics windows), this will bring up a standard printing dialog box(es) for the printer currently selected from the Chooser. NOTE: If using an Imagewriter, be sure to select the "Tall Adjusted" box or your plot will be distorted. For a Laserwriter, either a 90 to 95% reduction or use of the "Larger Print Area" option is usually a wise choice. For J/Jo plots, use landscape mode. Note that if you use optimal scales for high resolution (see "Extras..." under the Edit menu, below) you might have to enter a magnification to get your printout scaled correctly.
Quit (command Q):
Closes the program. Note that any modifications to the .LSQ file (a text file containing the least squares fits) are made when the fits are approved and not when the program is quit. However, deletions from the .LSQ file might be made at this point if no least squares fits were saved after the deletions were requested.

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