To add data to the current locality from a tab-delimited text file.
More than one sample can be in an imported file; demag steps should be in the
proper order because they will not be sorted or merged with pre-existing data.
If a sample already exists, the new data is appended to the end of that file.
Three formats are supported:
- "No header" where each line represents a demag
- "Single header" with sample id on each line
- "Single header" with
sample id on the header line only.
The header fields are locality, sample
number or id (1.0, 11, 20a for example), stratigraphic level, core plate
strike, core plate dip, bedding strike, bedding dip, core volume or mass, and
sample comment line. The header fields are ignored if the sample already has a
file. The sample fields are locality, sample id (these first two are not
present if the "sample id on header line only" box was checked), demag type,
demag level, geographic declination, geographic inclination, stratigraphic
declination, stratigraphic inclination, moment (usually in emu/unit mass or
volume). These can be followed by optional fields present in the CIT data
structure but not required at present in PaleoMag: error angle of the
measurement, core declination, core inclination, and the x, y, and z (in sample
coordinates, see notes below) standard deviations of the measurement (in 10^-5 emu).
Details of these fields are discussed in the Data
Format section.
If a sample in the imported file didn't previously exist, the new file is
created. If there is no header in the input file, the user is prompted for the
header info in a dialog box. If the "sample id in header line only" box was
checked, all the samples in a single input file MUST share identical locality