(Shift moves in; Command on Mac zooms out. Might need to click on image first. On iDevice, can move device around to pan). View from John Muir Trail, Bighorn Plateau, Sequoia National Park, California, 10 August 2016 2017
Hide... Initial view towards Mt. Whitney (helmut-topped high peak) over Mt Hale, Mt. Russell to the left. Mt Young is halfway from Whitney to the prominent cirque to the right. Farther to the right in the distance is Mt. Guyot. Farther right over the left edge of the trail and across the Kern Canyon is the edge of the Great Western Divide. Farther right is the Red Spur, which culminates well to the right in the Kaweah Peaks Ridge (above the snowfields). Farther right, past the nearby knob, are summits along the Kern Ridge; at their right, just right of the helmet-shaped peak just right of the edge of the lake, is Milestone Mountain, then Midway Mountain, and then Table Mountain. A bit to the right is a prominent triangular peak, Thunder Mountain. At the far right edge of the distant skyline is Mt. Ericsson; halfway between that prominent peak and Thunder Mountain is Mt. Jordan. Tawny Point's flanks fill the view to the north. Farther right is part of the Sierra crest near Mt. Tyndall, then to the right of the nearby slope is Mt. Barnard. Return to panorama index page |