Panamint range from Crowley Point:

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Initial view to south of Matarango Peak (Argus Range) over Darwin Wash. Moving to east (left) shows Telescope Peak over the rightmost edge of the playa. Panamint Butte is the high peak partially shaded by clouds and capped with black basalts over the main part of the playa to the east. At the northeast end of the view is the contact of the Hunter Mountain batholith (dark gray) with metamorphic Paleozoic rocks of the Panamint Butte area, Telescope Peak, and Matarango Peak. In the foreground to the NE you can see the basalt/basement contact being faulted down to the east in the wall of Rainbow Canyon. Contact between light colored Paleozoic metasediments and a dark "amphibolite" unit are at the leftmost edge under the basalts. Photos were taken August 27, 1999.

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C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder

Last modified at Wednesday, March 15, 2000 9:58 AM

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