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January 30- February 2, 2006
SYMPOSIUM: India National Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Information Infrastructure: Challenges and Potentials

National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India

"This symposium will provide an opportunity for in-depth and detailed discussion and explore various challenges in the area of biodiversity and ecosystem informatics in the Indian context. It will also initiate and encourage activities in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem informatics. It is expected to evolve into a national strategy and action plan for development of national biodiversity and ecosystem information infrastructure."

This interesting conference was a national strategy meeting for bio/eco informatics. John Kineman and Dr. Anil Kumar of the SSB Institute of Higher Learning in Puttaparthi, India, gave a keynote presentation of a paper titled: "Information as Communication." In this paper they argue that Information must communicate, both within science and between science and society. A new communication theory and architecture was proposed as a design principle for eco-informatics. One example of applying this theory and design was presented in the context of introducing niche modeling as a more integral component of eco-informatics. This was described as a method for representing ecological functions alongside complementary state variables. The combination is seen as a natural relationship that is complex and that embodies information exchanges inducing change. The structure of this relationship can be duplicated in informatics, because it is entailed as an information structure.

Kineman also was invited to Chair three sessions of the conference. The final report was compiled by Vishwas Chavan and colleagues and presented to the Indian Biodiversity Council the day following the meeting, with positive results for planning a future biodiversity informatics program.

August 9-10, 2005
PRIDE WORKSHOP: The 2nd Pacific Region
Integrated Data Enterprise (PRIDE) Workshop

East-West Center, University of Hawaii

Next year's proposal -- building a "Biodiversity Information Modeling Architecture"

PRIDE 2004 Call for Proposals

  • Pilot project in data integration across disciplines and institutions
  • Linking data and models for application to problem-driven science
  • "Data Center of the Future" - concepts (Ecosystem Informatics)