Microbes in Central Park Soil: if they can make it there, they can make it anywhere


Highlights of CIRES science at AMS 2015 (pdf or html)

Highlights of CIRES science at AGU 2014 (pdf or html)


Climate intervention techniques are not ready for wide-scale deployment

There is no substitute for dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change, a National Research Council committee including CIRES director Waleed Abdalati concluded in a two-volume evaluation of proposed climate-intervention ("geoengineering") techniques. Read More ...

Charting Colorado’s Vulnerability to Climate Change

Sea-level rise may not be not eating away at Colorado’s borders, but climate change exposes other critical vulnerabilities in the state, according to a new report. Rising temperatures will likely take a toll on cattle and crops, for example, and could more often leave junior water rights holders with little water and few options. Read More ...

WINTER 2015: Investigating eastern US air pollution in wintertime

We tend to think of summer as prime time for pollution—picture the haze that hangs over big cities on hot, steamy days. That's when increased sunlight and temperatures speed up chemical reactions that transform pollutants in the air into other "secondary" pollutants, including ozone, particulate matter, and others. Read More ...