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(Last updated by Jose on 13-May-2007)
- Given the clear distinction between flaming, smoldering burns...
- Volatility of the two
- Elemental composition of the two (O/C, inorg/org)
- High t-resolution from HIAPER instrument: correlation with other measurements
- Comparison of desorber with "regular" AMS (loading, chemistry)
- Comparison of two volatility measurements (desorber, denuder)
- HIAPER instrument w/W-ToF (stack burns)
- Aerodyne W-ToF
- Aerodyne: Li+
- CSU: denuder
- HIAPER: desorber
Power Needed
- Power seems to be very tight. We have 3 x 15 A (45 A, 110 A) circuits to share between 3 AMSs and auxiliary pumps & equipment. The power demand for the instruments we plan to bring is 40 A:
- 3 AMSs (3 x 6 A = 18 A)
- a sampling pump (4 A)
- SMPS (4 A)
- atomizer pump (4A)
- thermal denuder (4 A)
- laptops for TD & valve system (2A)
- DustTrak (0.5 A)
- 4 personal laptops (4 A)
- PLEASE add details on your plans / itinerary as soon as known
Period 1: Stack Setup, May 19-20 (Sat-Sun)
Instruments running:
- HIAPER instrument only (maybe w/ PAM or denuder)
- JOSE (will arrive 19 in morning)
- Taehyoung (arriving either 19 or 20 with CSU people)
Period 2: Stack Burns, May 21-25 (Mon-Fri)
Instruments Running:
- HIAPER instrument only (maybe w/ PAM or denuder)
- Possibly thermal desorber
- JOEL (will arrive AM May 20, leave evening 25
- JOSE (19-22 evening)
- Taehyoung
Period 3: Chamber Setup, May 26-28 (Sat-Mon)
Instruments being set up: all three AMSs
- ACHIM: Arrive afternoon of Sat 26
- JESSE: Arrive afternoon of Sat 26
- JOSE: Arrive morning of Sun 27
- CLAUDIA (CU): Arrive morning of Sun 27
- Taehyoung
Period 4: Chamber Burns, May 29-June 6 (Tue - Wed)
Instruments running: all three AMSs
- ACHIM - leaves June 8
- JESSE - leaves June 8
- JOSE -- till May 31st, and May 3-4 (with family nearby in May 31-June 3 afternoon)
- CLAUDIA (CU): Running TD -- arrive May 27, leave Jun 3 (evening)
- ALEX: arrive Jun 2 (eve) till end on June 6 (evening)
- Taehyoung (CSU)
- CU group will stay in dorms when possible
- ARI group will stay at hotel
Cell Phone Numbers
- Jose: 303-328-7599
- Joel: 303-524-2205
- Jesse: 781-413-4558
- Taehyoung: 970-556-8876
Rental Car(s)
- Jose will rent a car for stack and chamber burns periods (insurance is only valid if driven by CU personnel)
- ARI will rent a car for chamber burns period