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[[File:AMSClinic3.JPG|frame|Error analysis can be fun!!!]]
This page is a repository of information for planning the 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting, which will take place in Boulder in early 2011. A shorcut to this page is
This page is a repository of information for planning the 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting, which will take place in Boulder in early 2011. A shorcut to this page is

== Dates and Location ==
== Dates and Location ==

The 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting will take place from Sun March 20 to Fri March 25 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. It will be organized by the [ Jimenez Group]. We will post information here as it becomes available.
The 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting will take place from Sun March 20 to Fri March 25 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. We'll start Sun @ 1 pm (after lunch). It will be organized by the [ Jimenez Group]. We will post information here as it becomes available.
'''The people who should attend this clinic are those who are directly doing (or are VERY involved in directly supervising) AMS data analysis of field or lab data. The clinic will be much less useful for PIs who are not directly involved in data analysis, or for people who are just starting to learn about the AMS but haven't done serious data analysis yet.'''
The presentations and discussions will end on Thu @ 1 pm, and we will organize informal activities for Thu afternoon, and skiing, snowshoeing and other activities on Friday for people who can stay an extra day, so please plan your flights accordingly.  As planned, this is "out of phase" with the AMS Users Meeting and the heavy Fall meeting season (AAAR, EAC, AMS Users Meeting, AGU...).
There is no registration fee, but '''please let us know if you are coming to plan food, coffee, tables, power, internet, name tags, hotel room block, etc.'''
Feedback from the past two Clinics is [ here] and [ here].
=== Locations & Logistics ===
* [,-105.265889&spn=0.02656,0.041327&z=15  Map including clinic location, dinner location, and the three hotels]
*PDF with room locations in Ekeley (Bottom Floor) [ E1B20 and E1B50]
* We will be meeting in the CU Ekeley Sciences Building [ here], in room E1B20 at the basement level (next to the Jimenez Group labs and offices, if you've been here before)<br>
* [[Visiting us]] - Link to transportation (from Airport and within Boulder)
*Internet - Use UCB Wireless (Not Guest)
**Username: confams
**Password: will be given out at conference
A map with three local hotels that have offered to give us a discounted rate can be found [,-105.265889&spn=0.02656,0.041327&z=15 here]
*[ Millenium] (recommended, closest to meeting location)
**Rate: $109.00 for one King / $109.00 for two doubles (we are currently holding 10 rooms)
**Reservations: register online [ here]
**Contact p.303.443.3850 / AMS Users (for discounted rate)     
*[ Boulder Inn] (farther from meeting location, but a little cheaper)
**Rate: $69.00 for one King bed / $79.00 for two Queen Beds
**Contact: p.800.233.8469 / AMS Clinic (for discounted rate)
*[ Boulder Outlook]
**Rate: $74.00 for standard outside / $84.00 inside by pool / $94 executive (can either be a king or two doubles)
**Contact: p.800.542.0304 ext. 0 / ask for CIRES group rate
Please feel free to contact Michael Lechner (michael.lechner(at) for any further question)

== Attendees ==
== Attendees ==
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The list of attendees is kept on this [ Google Spreadsheet]. Click the '''Edit''' link at the bottom if you want to make changes. (Pls make changes only on the sheet named "2011", the one from 2010 is there only as a reference).
The list of attendees is kept on this [ Google Spreadsheet]. Click the '''Edit''' link at the bottom if you want to make changes. (Pls make changes only on the sheet named "2011", the one from 2010 is there only as a reference).

== Topics ==
== Schedule & Topics ==
Tentatively the structure of the Clinic will be a hybrid of the 2009 and 2010 clinics, with some presentations but less than in 2010, and substantial time for people to work on their data and bring up issues to the group. A preliminary schedule is:
* The results of the Pre-Clinic survey on the topics to be covered are linked [ here]
* (Pre-clinic) Sat 1 pm till Sun @ noon, room E1B20: Jose will lead a subset of users on going through AMS connections diagram while looking a the actual parts in the lab in gory detail, including typical failures, diagnostic strategies, and repairs (See
**1. Power (power box)
**2. Pumps (pump box, turbo pump, aerodynamic lens assembly)
**3. Electronics (electronics box, heater assembly)
**4. Chopper & Servo (chopper/servo flange+assembly)
**5. TPS (TPS box, filament, electrostatic lens stack)
**6. Computer
**7. DAQ Software
**8. Discussion of Troubleshooting Questions:
***No MS airbeam
***No PToF airbeam (but MS AB and mass spectrum present)
***Pump vs controller not working
***Signal too low (AB low)
***Chopper servo is not moving
***Heater glowing orange but reads 600C
***Troubleshooting heater power failure
***Inlet flowrate is low (<1 cc/s) or high (>2cc/s)
***Acqiris card is running hot (>50C)
***Peaks too broad
***I see small reflection peaks following all peaks in my mass spectra and in the Bitwise SI trace
***My m/z calibration is way off. Where do I start?

Tentatively the structure of the Clinic will be a hybrid of the 2009 and 2010 clinics, with some presentations but LESS than in 2010, and substantial time for people to work on their data and bring up issues to the group. A preliminary schedule is:
* The rooms at CU will be available on Sun morning (in case people want to meet before start of clinic)

* room available in Sun morning (in case people want to meet before start of clinic)
* Sun March 20, Sun 1 - 6 pm.: quantification, CE, instrument issues, RIE, semi-refractory...
* Sun March 20, Sun 1 - 6 pm.: quantification, CE, instrument issues, RIE, semi-refractory...
* Mon March 21, Mon 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA
* Tue March 22, Tue 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA, APES (elemental analysis)
* Mon March 21, Mon 9am - 5pm: UMR and Squirrel, HR and PIKA.  Some but not all topics include:
** Review theory behind UMR frag table entries (Donna).
** Frag Check panel and UMR default entries that need to be changed (Donna).
** Discussion on what other entries people have changed due to their unique situations. (Everyone)
** PToF problems.
** Airbeam correction issues.
** Discussion of the Sally's triangle plot?
** Review Jose's Campaign-wide diagnostic plots?
** Comparison of V/W data?
* Tue March 22, Tue 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA, APES (elemental analysis).  Some but not all topics include:
** Review of how the HR frag & batch table work.
** Discussion of new feature in Pika 1.10B - time-varying peak widths.
** Compile new list of HR ions from new/unusual set of HR ions found in recent data sets?
** Derive new entry in HROrg for CHO?
** Re-advertise HR AMS and UMR data bases?
** Aerodyne-sponsored dinner at Leaf, with combined menu from [ Leaf] and [ Aji]. Arrive 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm. [ Map]
* Wed March 23, Wed 9am - 5pm: buffer time (morning) + PMF afternoon
* Wed March 23, Wed 9am - 5pm: buffer time (morning) + PMF afternoon
** General theory and discussion of errors (Manjula or Jose, since James is not here).
** HR errors calculation bug fix release!  [ zipped file of PKBackbone_1_10C.ipf] (Donna).
** Debut and discussion of new error diagnostic panel and discussion of errors.  Beta version of the [ Error Diagnostic Panel version 0.9C] (Donna).
** Mention of the baseline errors now included in calculation & button on Pika panel.
* Thu March 24, Thu 9am - 1 pm: PMF (including errors)
* Thu March 24, Thu 9am - 1 pm: PMF (including errors)
** Optional social activity: Happy Hour at the Med in downtown Boulder. 
* Fri March 25, Fri: (Optional): Downhill skiing or cross-country skiing or snowshoeing or hiking
* Fri March 25, Fri: (Optional): Downhill skiing or cross-country skiing or snowshoeing or hiking
** (If you advisor hesitates about letting you stay on Friday, tell him / her that it is important for your research to bond with other AMS Users who may be able to help you at a critical juncture later ;-)
** (If your advisor hesitates about letting you stay on Friday, tell him / her that it is important for your research to bond with other AMS Users who may be able to help you at a critical juncture later ;-)
* Daily schedule: Breakfast set up @ 8:30. Meeting starts @ 9am. Break 10:45-11:00. Lunch @ 12:30-1:30. Break 3:00-3:30. End at 5 pm.
== Presentations ==
Planned Presentations:
* Qi Chen on H2O+ and CO+ for chamber SOA
* Amber Ortega and frag table corrections for biomass burning
* Update on errors for PMF (following up on meeting with Paatero at IAC 2010, from James Allan's presentation at the EUCAARI Mtg in Barcelona)
* Joel pitches new DAQ
PDFs of Powerpoints Given During the Clinic:
'''Note: Many presentations were given interactively in Igor and are not listed here.
* Sunday 3/20/11: Ann Middlebrook, NOAA: [ Evaluation of Composition-Dependent Collection Efficiencies for the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer using Field Data]
* Monday 3/21/11: Amber Ortega, CU: [ Biomass Burning (high loading) Frag Table Modifications]
* Tuesday 3/22/11: Daniel Tkacik, CMU: [ Is my seed contaminated?]
* Wednesday 3/23/11: Qi Chen, Harvard: [ Elemental Analysis of Chamber SOA Particles]
* Wednesday 3/23/11: Yele Sun, CSU: [ Sun's Data]
* Wednesday 3/23/11: Manjula Canagaratna, ARI: [ H2O for Elemental Analysis and Defining Errors for HR-ToF-PMF]
* [ Ingrid's Igor Quick Reference]
== Pictures ==
*[ Pictures from 3rd AMS Clinic]
== Feedback ==
* The results of the Clinic feedback survey are [ here]
== Friday Activities ==
[[File:IMG 8706.JPG|400px|thumb|right|Hiking outside Boulder on Friday!]]
Note that CU and Boulder public schools have spring break this week, so the nearby outdoor recreation areas may be busy.
=== Snowshoeing ===
* Last year we went to Eldora ski area's Nordic center, and we could do that again.  Transportation is easy (bus from downtown Boulder, $5 each way).  A trail pass is $15.
** Snowshoe rental at Eldora is $20.  (Or rent cheaper in Boulder, below.)
* We could also go higher in the mountains to Rocky Mountain National Park, Brainard Lake, or Peaceful Valley (longer drives than Eldora, but usually fewer people).  Depending on how many people want to go, we may need to arrange an extra vehicle.  Ingrid has a park pass, so entrance for one vehicle is free at Rocky Mountain National Park. 
** Snowshoes can be rented in Boulder at
*** Crystal Ski Shop, 3216 Arapahoe Ave , Boulder, CO, (303) 449-7669, $12
*** REI, 1789 28th St, Boulder, CO 80301, (303) 583-9970, $15 with Ingrid's membership

== Organization Tasks for Jimenez Group ==
== Organization Tasks for Jimenez Group ==
Line 26: Line 156:
=== Tasks already delegated by Jose in AMO ===
=== Tasks already delegated by Jose in AMO ===

** Michael
* Michael
*** reserve Ekeley E1B50 & E1B50
** Food: coffee + bagels in morning, cofee break in afternoon. Lunch on 1st + 2nd day
*** Get internet login and password for non-CU attendees
*** Get quotes for different hotels (as many rooms as we used last year) & reserve a room block
*** Ask for door to be opened that Sun
*** Food: coffee + bagels in morning, cofee break in afternoon. Lunch on 1st + 2nd day
*** Prepare maps and post on web, print on paper

* Patrick will pick up the first couple of mornings
* Others:
* Jose will ask ARI about dinner
** Patrick will pick up @ hotel the first couple of mornings
* Brett will post presentations on the web (as PDFs 1/2 page) during Clinic
** Brett will post presentations on the web (as PDFs 1/2 page) during Clinic
* Thu afternoon informal (Amber will exercise full leadership)
** Amber: Tue dinner & Thu afternoon informal activities
* Friday activities: snowshoeing (Ingrid) + Joel (needs to check) for Eldora (downhill) + Brett (cross-country)
** Friday activities: Ingrid (snowshoeing) + Raea (for Eldora, downhill skiing) + Brett (cross-country)
* Ingrid: borrow clickers
** Ingrid: borrow clickers

=== Pending tasks ===
=== Pending tasks ===

Latest revision as of 16:44, 29 March 2012

Error analysis can be fun!!!

This page is a repository of information for planning the 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting, which will take place in Boulder in early 2011. A shorcut to this page is

Dates and Location

The 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting will take place from Sun March 20 to Fri March 25 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. We'll start Sun @ 1 pm (after lunch). It will be organized by the Jimenez Group. We will post information here as it becomes available.

The people who should attend this clinic are those who are directly doing (or are VERY involved in directly supervising) AMS data analysis of field or lab data. The clinic will be much less useful for PIs who are not directly involved in data analysis, or for people who are just starting to learn about the AMS but haven't done serious data analysis yet.

The presentations and discussions will end on Thu @ 1 pm, and we will organize informal activities for Thu afternoon, and skiing, snowshoeing and other activities on Friday for people who can stay an extra day, so please plan your flights accordingly. As planned, this is "out of phase" with the AMS Users Meeting and the heavy Fall meeting season (AAAR, EAC, AMS Users Meeting, AGU...).

There is no registration fee, but please let us know if you are coming to plan food, coffee, tables, power, internet, name tags, hotel room block, etc.

Feedback from the past two Clinics is here and here.

Locations & Logistics


A map with three local hotels that have offered to give us a discounted rate can be found here

  • Millenium (recommended, closest to meeting location)
    • Rate: $109.00 for one King / $109.00 for two doubles (we are currently holding 10 rooms)
    • Reservations: register online here
    • Contact p.303.443.3850 / AMS Users (for discounted rate)
  • Boulder Inn (farther from meeting location, but a little cheaper)
    • Rate: $69.00 for one King bed / $79.00 for two Queen Beds
    • Contact: p.800.233.8469 / AMS Clinic (for discounted rate)
  • Boulder Outlook
    • Rate: $74.00 for standard outside / $84.00 inside by pool / $94 executive (can either be a king or two doubles)
    • Contact: p.800.542.0304 ext. 0 / ask for CIRES group rate

Please feel free to contact Michael Lechner (michael.lechner(at) for any further question)


The list of attendees is kept on this Google Spreadsheet. Click the Edit link at the bottom if you want to make changes. (Pls make changes only on the sheet named "2011", the one from 2010 is there only as a reference).

Schedule & Topics

Tentatively the structure of the Clinic will be a hybrid of the 2009 and 2010 clinics, with some presentations but less than in 2010, and substantial time for people to work on their data and bring up issues to the group. A preliminary schedule is:

  • The results of the Pre-Clinic survey on the topics to be covered are linked here
  • (Pre-clinic) Sat 1 pm till Sun @ noon, room E1B20: Jose will lead a subset of users on going through AMS connections diagram while looking a the actual parts in the lab in gory detail, including typical failures, diagnostic strategies, and repairs (See
    • 1. Power (power box)
    • 2. Pumps (pump box, turbo pump, aerodynamic lens assembly)
    • 3. Electronics (electronics box, heater assembly)
    • 4. Chopper & Servo (chopper/servo flange+assembly)
    • 5. TPS (TPS box, filament, electrostatic lens stack)
    • 6. Computer
    • 7. DAQ Software
    • 8. Discussion of Troubleshooting Questions:
      • No MS airbeam
      • No PToF airbeam (but MS AB and mass spectrum present)
      • Pump vs controller not working
      • Signal too low (AB low)
      • Chopper servo is not moving
      • Heater glowing orange but reads 600C
      • Troubleshooting heater power failure
      • Inlet flowrate is low (<1 cc/s) or high (>2cc/s)
      • Acqiris card is running hot (>50C)
      • Peaks too broad
      • I see small reflection peaks following all peaks in my mass spectra and in the Bitwise SI trace
      • My m/z calibration is way off. Where do I start?
  • The rooms at CU will be available on Sun morning (in case people want to meet before start of clinic)
  • Sun March 20, Sun 1 - 6 pm.: quantification, CE, instrument issues, RIE, semi-refractory...
  • Mon March 21, Mon 9am - 5pm: UMR and Squirrel, HR and PIKA. Some but not all topics include:
    • Review theory behind UMR frag table entries (Donna).
    • Frag Check panel and UMR default entries that need to be changed (Donna).
    • Discussion on what other entries people have changed due to their unique situations. (Everyone)
    • PToF problems.
    • Airbeam correction issues.
    • Discussion of the Sally's triangle plot?
    • Review Jose's Campaign-wide diagnostic plots?
    • Comparison of V/W data?
  • Tue March 22, Tue 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA, APES (elemental analysis). Some but not all topics include:
    • Review of how the HR frag & batch table work.
    • Discussion of new feature in Pika 1.10B - time-varying peak widths.
    • Compile new list of HR ions from new/unusual set of HR ions found in recent data sets?
    • Derive new entry in HROrg for CHO?
    • Re-advertise HR AMS and UMR data bases?
    • Aerodyne-sponsored dinner at Leaf, with combined menu from Leaf and Aji. Arrive 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm. Map
  • Wed March 23, Wed 9am - 5pm: buffer time (morning) + PMF afternoon
    • General theory and discussion of errors (Manjula or Jose, since James is not here).
    • HR errors calculation bug fix release! zipped file of PKBackbone_1_10C.ipf (Donna).
    • Debut and discussion of new error diagnostic panel and discussion of errors. Beta version of the Error Diagnostic Panel version 0.9C (Donna).
    • Mention of the baseline errors now included in calculation & button on Pika panel.
  • Thu March 24, Thu 9am - 1 pm: PMF (including errors)
    • Optional social activity: Happy Hour at the Med in downtown Boulder.
  • Fri March 25, Fri: (Optional): Downhill skiing or cross-country skiing or snowshoeing or hiking
    • (If your advisor hesitates about letting you stay on Friday, tell him / her that it is important for your research to bond with other AMS Users who may be able to help you at a critical juncture later ;-)
  • Daily schedule: Breakfast set up @ 8:30. Meeting starts @ 9am. Break 10:45-11:00. Lunch @ 12:30-1:30. Break 3:00-3:30. End at 5 pm.


Planned Presentations:

  • Qi Chen on H2O+ and CO+ for chamber SOA
  • Amber Ortega and frag table corrections for biomass burning
  • Update on errors for PMF (following up on meeting with Paatero at IAC 2010, from James Allan's presentation at the EUCAARI Mtg in Barcelona)
  • Joel pitches new DAQ

PDFs of Powerpoints Given During the Clinic: Note: Many presentations were given interactively in Igor and are not listed here.



  • The results of the Clinic feedback survey are here

Friday Activities

Hiking outside Boulder on Friday!

Note that CU and Boulder public schools have spring break this week, so the nearby outdoor recreation areas may be busy.


  • Last year we went to Eldora ski area's Nordic center, and we could do that again. Transportation is easy (bus from downtown Boulder, $5 each way). A trail pass is $15.
    • Snowshoe rental at Eldora is $20. (Or rent cheaper in Boulder, below.)
  • We could also go higher in the mountains to Rocky Mountain National Park, Brainard Lake, or Peaceful Valley (longer drives than Eldora, but usually fewer people). Depending on how many people want to go, we may need to arrange an extra vehicle. Ingrid has a park pass, so entrance for one vehicle is free at Rocky Mountain National Park.
    • Snowshoes can be rented in Boulder at
      • Crystal Ski Shop, 3216 Arapahoe Ave , Boulder, CO, (303) 449-7669, $12
      • REI, 1789 28th St, Boulder, CO 80301, (303) 583-9970, $15 with Ingrid's membership

Organization Tasks for Jimenez Group

Tasks already delegated by Jose in AMO

  • Michael
    • Food: coffee + bagels in morning, cofee break in afternoon. Lunch on 1st + 2nd day

  • Others:
    • Patrick will pick up @ hotel the first couple of mornings
    • Brett will post presentations on the web (as PDFs 1/2 page) during Clinic
    • Amber: Tue dinner & Thu afternoon informal activities
    • Friday activities: Ingrid (snowshoeing) + Raea (for Eldora, downhill skiing) + Brett (cross-country)
    • Ingrid: borrow clickers

Pending tasks