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|Black Carbon
|Black Carbon
|7-Wavelength Aethalometer
|[ 7-Wavelength Aethalometer]
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
|E.g. [ Arnott et al., 2005]
|Black Carbon Absorption
|Black Carbon Absorption
|3-Wavelength Photoacoustic  
|[ 3-Wavelength Photoacoustic Sensor]
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
|[ Arnott et al., 2006]
|Black Carbon Mass
|Black Carbon Mass
|SP2 (Soot Particle Soot Photometer)
|[ SP2 (Soot Particle Soot Photometer)]
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
|[ James Allan] and [ Hugh Coe], University of Manchester, UK
| Ex. Application: [ Schwarz et al., 2006]

Revision as of 17:36, 18 June 2009

This page is a repository of information and links for preparing and executing the field experiment at the Los Angeles CalNex Supersite (*) as part of the CalNex-2010 field campaign. The focus of the campaign is to study nightime chemistry (led by Jochen Stutz of UCLA) and formation of secondary organic aerosol (led by Joost de Gouw of NOAA and Jose-Luis Jimenez of CU-Boulder). Prospective investigators who are interested in participating in this study should contact these PIs.

(*) Not to be confused with the Southern CA EPA Supersite which is headed by Costas Sioutas and located elsewhere.

There is no specific call for proposals for CalNex-LA. NOAA investigators will be funded by internal NOAA funds, while university investigators need to find relevant funding. CARB and NOAA are funding a limited number of external investigators.

Logistical Information

Tentatively the site is planned to be located at the Los Angeles North Main St. site, which has been used for air quality monitoring in LA for a long time. It is just 2 miles N of downtown LA, in a building of the LA Division of Water and Power. This is a link to a map of the site in Google Maps

Planned Gas-Phase Instrumentation

Several additional instruments (not listed here per request of the PIs while funding is sorted out) from at least two prominent US groups have been proposed, and will be deployed here is sufficient funding is available to the PIs.

Gas-Phase Species
Parameter Technique PI References Funding / Availabiliy
VOCs GC-MS J. de Gouw, NOAA Kuster et al., 2004 Confirmed
NO3, HONO, HCHO, others DOAS J. Stutz, UCLA Wang et al., 2006 Confirmed
Organic acids (formic, acetic, propionic...), HONO, HNCO (isocyanic acid). Also HCl & HNO3 pending inlet improvements. CIMS J. Roberts & J. de Gouw, NOAA Veres et al., 2008 Confirmed
Glyoxal Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy S. Brown, NOAA Washenfelder et al., 2008 Confirmed
PANs GC-ECD J. Roberts, NOAA Williams et al., 2000 & Roberts et al., 2002 Confirmed
ClNO2, PANs CIMS H. Osthoff, U. Calgary Confirmed
SO2 Research-quality monitor CARB Confirmed
O3, NO, NOx, CO Monitoring-quality instruments CARB LA Main Site Confirmed (part of LA main site)
CO Research-quality monitor NOAA Tentative
gas phase and semivolatile organics High-resolution PTR-TOF MS R. Holzinger (U. Utrecht, Netherlands) Not published yet Pending
Water-Soluble OC in the gas-phase PILS and mist chamber + online WSOC R. Weber (Georgia Tech) Hennigan et al., 2008 Pending
H2O2, CH3OOH and potentially other more substituted peroxides Chemical Ionization MS T. Bertram (UCSD) Kercher etal., 2009 Tentative

Planned Particle-Phase Instrumentation

Particle-Phase Species
Parameter Technique PI References Funding / Availability
Aerosol chemical composition High-resolution ToF-AMS (HR-ToF-AMS) J.L. Jimenez, CU Boulder DeCarlo et al., 2006 & Aiken et al., 2009 Confirmed
Potential aerosol mass PAM W. Brune (Penn State) / J.L. Jimenez (CU-Boulder) Kang et al., 2007 Confirmed
Submicron particle number distributions TSI SMPS J.L. Jimenez (CU-Boulder) TSI 3936 Confirmed
NMR analysis of WSOC Filter collection with post-analysis Stefano Decesari and Maria Cristina Facchini (CNR-ISAC, Italy) Decesari et al., 2007 & Moretti et al., 2008 Confirmed
Organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates Filter collection with post-analysis by electrospray-MS/MS Jason Surratt (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) Surratt et al., 2008 Confirmed
Total particle number TSI Water CPC 3786 J.L. Jimenez (CU-Boulder) TSI 3786 Tentative
Particle number distributions (300 nm - 10 um) Grimm OPC 1.109 J.L. Jimenez (CU-Boulder) Grimm 1.109 Tentative
OC and EC 1 hr Sunset Labs thermal-optical analyzer R. Weber (Georgia Tech) Sunset Labs Field Instrument Pending
Water-Soluble OC in Particles PILS and mist chamber + online WSOC R. Weber (Georgia Tech) Hennigan et al., 2008 Pending
PM1 Carboxylic acids PILS + ion chromatography R. Weber (Georgia Tech) Pending
1-hr molecular tracers (particles and semivol.) Thermal-Desorption Aerosol GC-MS (TAG) A. Goldstein (Berkeley) & Susanne Hering (Aerosol Dynamics) Williams et al., 2006 & Williams et al., 2007 Pending
14C analysis of OC, EC, Water-Insoluble OC (WIOC) and WSOC (24 hr) Filters + off-line Accelerator MS A. Prevot (PSI, Switzerland) Szidat et al., 2006 Pending
14C analysis of Total Carbon (~3 hr for 100 samples) Filters + off-line Accelerator MS A. Prevot (PSI, Switzerland) Not published yet with this time resolution Pending
Elements and metals (1-hr resolution) Rotating impactor + synchrotron XRF postanalysis A. Prevot (PSI, Switzerland) Not published yet with this time resolution Pending
PM semivolatile and non-volatile organics High-resolution PTR-TOF MS R. Holzinger (U. Utrecht, Netherlands) Not published yet Pending
HR-MS analysis of WSOC/N compounds PILS-collector + Electrospray-Orbitrap ultrahigh resolution mass spec. A. Laskin and J. Laskin (DOE PNNL EMSL) Smith et al., 2009 & Laskin et al., 2009 Pending
Organic N and inorganic ions Steam-Jeat Aerosol Collector (SJAC) system with on-line ion chromatography and high sensitivity TOC/TN combustion unit A. Khlystov (Duke University) Not published yet, Description in AK's web page Pending
Black Carbon Single Particle Composition SP-AMS James Allan and Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK Trimborn et al., 2008. AMS Users Meeting, Sep. 2008, Manchester UK. Tentative
Black Carbon 7-Wavelength Aethalometer James Allan and Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK E.g. Arnott et al., 2005 Tentative
Black Carbon Absorption 3-Wavelength Photoacoustic Sensor James Allan and Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK Arnott et al., 2006 Tentative
Black Carbon Mass SP2 (Soot Particle Soot Photometer) James Allan and Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK Ex. Application: Schwarz et al., 2006 Tentative

Reference Information