ToF-AMS DAQ Release Notes

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Revision as of 07:43, 7 December 2009 by Joel Kimmel (talk | contribs)
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3.0.21 (07-Dec-2009)


Now allows 0.1s Averaging in FMS mode

Bug Fixes

PTOF Display bug fixed, first display was not working in v3019

Nitrate Loading value fixed, displayed value had error in v3019

Swap button bug fixed, Calibration Group and Sampling Type values were lost when swap was used in previous versions

3.0.19 (29-Sept-2009)


InfoVal(106) indicates seconds after midnight at start of run

InfoVal(107) indicates active menu number

If DIO5, 6, or 7 is in, save state as save

InfoVal(108, 109, 110) states of digital in 5, 6, 7 (NaN if disabled)

InfoVal(111) Relative time within fast MS cycle (NaN if not FMS mode)

InfoVal(112) Relative run number within FMS cycle (NaN if not FMS mode)

Menu Switching

New menu value allows optional wait at the start of a run

Added Menu Cycle Time Grid as alternative to run-based time grid


Baseline and SI area now based on MS mode; no longer need chopper to run Bitwise

Single Ion peak list is now saved to menu file

Optional "Bitwise on the hour" measures baseline and SI area every hour

All three displayed nominal masses share a single peak discriminator, saved as menuVal

Suggests best baseline bit, see:

Acquisition / Acquisition Window

Logic allows FMS with closed block = 0

Logic allows MS mode with % Open = 100

Added functionality and interface updates for MS acquisition without chopper (controlled with menu val 141)

Zoom windows on right side of acquisition window allow change of nominal mass with scroll wheel

If MSclosed does not exist, displayed resolution values are calculated from open data

Option to display MSClosed sticks

Horizontal zoom in stick display with mouse

Eliminated %MSOpen. MS Dwell time now calculated as (MSOpenT+MSClosedT)*MSLoopsPerDwell. Loops enables multiple MSClosed / MSOpen Dwells per dwell.

Vertical scaling in zoom windows

Check RealTime Configuration at load of window. See:

PTOF DC markers calculation adjusted based on number of TOF/chop and co-adds

Fixed display of speciated sticks for SP-AMS Dark Green for Cn and Fullerene

MS Stick display size depends on what other modes are active in acquisition cycle

Digital Lines

DIO5, 6, and 7 now configurable as in or out (common across menu)

If out, state unique to each menu

If in, value is recorded and saved as infoVal

Option to control acquisition start/stop from DIO5

Option to control menu switching with encoding on 6 and 7

Mass Calibration Window

Peak intensity displayed in units of Hz; calculation uses bit-ns per second, SI Area, and TOF pulser frequency

Total Ion Current (TIC) reported below trace of peak areas/heights

Option to save itx file with last acquired mass spectrum. Includes raw MS, raw mass axis, and unit mass resolution stick spectrum

Added Accumulation mode as option on tuning tab. MS data are continuously acquired and summed, allowing determination of resolution (etc) for low intensity peaks.

Window Messages

Allows control of acquire start/stop and menu number from external software with windows messages

Real Time Files / Serial Output

Write MSSDiff.itx to C:\ToFAMS\ToFAMSData\LogFiles\TimeTrace\MS for each run. Optional - controlled by check box in Real Time box on averagin and saving tab.

New Serial output formats

Front Panel

If DAQ PC has internet connection, check for updated version of DAQ. If update exists, button on panel links to download.

National Instruments

Auto-determination of National instrument board device numbers. If board(s) not found, features disabled accordingly.


NEW FEATURES since 3.0.0:

Acquisition Window

Optional automatic baseline and SI determination during acquisition. Turned on/off on AP240 tab of Menu Window. This is still considered a BETA feature. Last values are saved as InfoVals.

Calib Window Step sizes (volts) for TPS scans are saved as common menu values

Scroll wheel and arrow keys to change TPS voltages and calibration center points

Info Vals If TPS remote control is enabled, last monitored TPS voltages are saved as infoVals for each run

Data Save

Allows transient save in FMS mode. itx written to transient drive, without write to C: drive


Archive of release notes from v2.1.4