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This page serves as the schedule for the Atmospheric Chemistry Supergroup meetings. The shorcut is

The format of these meetings is:

  • 2x 1/2 hr presentations of research from two different people
  • Followed by happy hour on the Hill with anyone interested
  • The presenters are volunteers, but we strive to have representation from all the groups in CU Atmos Chem.
  • If you have suggestions for the organization, or are interested in presenting, please contact Jose or Anne.

Summer 2017

  • Fri. 26-May-2017, 4-5 pm, S274 (followed by happy hour at Owsley's Golden Road on the Hill):
    • Prof. Joost de Gouw: "Further analysis of CalNex observations"
    • Presenter 2 (TBD)
  • Fri. 30-June-2017, 4-5 pm, S274 (followed by happy hour on the Hill)
    • Julia Lee-Taylor (Jimenez Group and NCAR): "Using the GECKO-A explicit chemistry model to better understand lab and field observations"
    • Jay Kroll (Vaida Group): TBD
  • Thu. 20-July-2017, 4-5 pm, S274 (followed by happy hour on the Hill)
    • Megan Claflin (Ziemann Group): "Products and Mechanism of Aerosol Formation from the Reaction of β-Pinene with NO3 Radicals: Role of Oligomer Formation."
    • Ted Koenig (Volkamer Group): "Bromine and iodine measurements in the tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS)"

Summer 2014

  • Thu 12-Jun-2014, 4-5 pm, S274:
    • Shang Liu (Ziemann/Jimenez Groups) on "Preliminary Results of Indoor Air Field Study"
    • Rob Wild (Brown Group) on "Reactive Nitrogen Partitioning and its Relationship to Winter Ozone Events in Utah."
    • Followed by happy hr at The Goose on the Hill.
  • Tue 15-Jul-2014, 4-5 pm, S274:
    • Allison Reed Harris (Vaida Group) on “Effect of the atmospheric environment on the photochemistry of pyruvic acid”
    • Dr. Barbara Ervens (NOAA ESRL/CSD, and CIRES) on "Oligomer formation in the aerosol aqueous phase: Mechanism development and model studies."
    • Followed by happy hr at Half Fast Subs on the Hill.
  • Thu 21-Aug-2014, 4-5 pm, S274
    • Presenter from Tolbert Group (title TBD)
    • Eleanor Waxman (Volkamer Group) on "Salting-in and Salting-out: New concepts for Multiphase SOA formation from small OVOC"
    • Followed by happy hr on the Hill.