From Jimenez Group Wiki
This page serves as the schedule for the Atmospheric Chemistry Supergroup meetings. The shorcut is
The format of these meetings is:
- 2x 1/2 hr presentations of research from two different people
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill with anyone interested
- The presenters are volunteers, but we strive to have representation from all the groups in CU Atmos Chem.
- If you have suggestions for the organization, or are interested in presenting, please contact Jose or Anne.
Summer 2022
- Thurs, 26 May 2022, 4-5 PM:
- Langley DeWitt, IGAC project, "The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project", and
- Mike Robinson, Brown group, "Photochemistry in the LA basin: observations from SUNVEx"
- Thurs, 21 July 2022, 4-5 PM:
- Nathan Reed, Browne group, Effects of H2S on Archean Haze Chemistry and Haze Optical Properties
- Dennis Doyle, Art & Chem, Aesthetic atmospheres: Artistic research into air quality, scent, and chemical perspective
Summer 2021
- Thurs, 27 May 2021, 4-5 PM - Supergroup:
- Marla DeVault, Ziemann group, "Nitrate radical oxidation of monoterpenes", and
- Barbara Dix, de Gouw group, "Analysis of NOx emission and formaldehyde formation in U.S. oil and gas production regions using satellite data"
- Thurs, 24 June 2021, 4-5 PM - Supergroup:
- Henning Finkenzeller, Volkamer group, Iodic acid formation in the atmosphere, and
- Zachary Decker, Brown group, "A Novel Analysis to Elucidate Spatially Resolved Heterogeneous Oxidation Applied to Phenolics in Biomass Burning Plumes"
- Thurs, 22 July 2021, 4-5 PM - Supergroup:
- Kevin Jansen, Tolbert group, "Ozonolysis of Brown Carbon Aerosol"
Summer 2020
- Thurs, 28 May 2020, remote only, 4-5 PM:
- Julia Bakker-Arkema, (Ziemann Group), "Kinetics and Equilibria for the Multiphase Formation of Peroxyhemiacetals",
- Henning Finkenzeller, (Volkamer Group), "Oxygen-oxygen collision induced absorption: A workhorse in the spectroscopic exploration of the atmosphere"
- Followed by remote trivia (BYOB)
- Thurs, 25 June 2020, remote only, 4-5 PM:
- Aroob Abdelhamid, (Browne Group), "Nitrogen Incorporation in Biogenic Aerosol and its Effect on Aerosol Volatility",
- Tianshu Chen, (de Gouw Group), "The Implications of Volatile Chemical Products for Ozone Chemistry in Los Angeles",
- Followed by remote trivia (BYOB)
- Thurs, 23 July 2020, remote only, 4-5 PM:
- Zhe Peng, (Jimenez Group), "Evolution of OH reactivity in low-NO volatile organic compound oxidation investigated by the fully explicit GECKO-A model",
- Bart Croes, CIRES Sabbatical Visiting Fellow, "California Research on Methane Super-emitters"
- Followed by remote trivia (BYOB)
Summer 2019
- Thurs, 30 May 2019, S274, 4-5 PM:
- Shelly Miller (Miller Group), "Lung function and respiratory symptoms in low income urban homes: association with infiltration rates and neighborhood typology"
- Theodore Koenig (Volkamer Group), "Detection of iodine in the lower stratosphere. Multiphase chemistry and implications for stratopsheric ozone."
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
- Tues, 18 June 2019, W165/166, 4-5 PM:
- Mark Hernandez (Environmental Microtoxicology), "Peroxide Enhanced Inactivation of Airborne Microbes"
- Jennifer Berry (Browne Group), "Gas-phase Organic Chemistry in Exoplanet Atmospheres"
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
- Weds, 24 July 2019, S274, 4-5 PM:
- Mindy Schueneman (Jimenez Group), "Indirect Methods for Determining Aerosol Acidity"
- Barbara Dix & Joost de Gouw, "Analysis of satellite remote sensing data of methane and NO2 over US oil and gas production areas"
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
Summer 2018
- Thurs, 24 May 2018, W166, 4-5 PM:
- Natalie Kille, Volkamer group, CU Boulder: The CU SOF Instrument: Sources of Methane and first Application to Study Wildfire Emissions
- Zach Decker, Brown group, NOAA/CU Boulder: Wildfires at Night: Field Inspired Studies of Dark Oxidation in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
- Thurs, 21 June 2018, S274, 4-5 PM:
- Lucas Algrim, Ziemann group, CU Boulder: Effect of Keto, Alcohol, and Nitrate Functional Groups on SOA Formation
- Matt Coggon, CSD NOAA: Deodorant, Cleaning Products and the Virtue of Smelling Bad: Investigations into Emerging Sources of Air Pollution from Consumer Chemical Products
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
- Thurs, 19 July 2018, W166, 4-5 PM:
- Benjamin Nault, Jimenez group, CU Boulder: Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Local Emissions Dominates OA Budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ, Abstract
- Aroob Abdelhamid, Browne group, CU Boulder: Measurements of Positive Ambient Ions in Lamont OK as Part of the Holistic Interaction of Shallow Clouds Aerosols and Land Ecosystems (HISCALE II) Field Campaign
- Followed by happy hour on the Hill
Summer 2017
- Fri. 26-May-2017, 4-5 pm, S274:
- Prof. Joost de Gouw: "Further analysis of CalNex observations"
- Dr. Jim Roberts (NOAA CSD): "On-line measurement of Total N and Total C of Laboratory Prepared Particles"
- Followed by happy hour at Owsley's Golden Road on the Hill
- Fri. 30-June-2017, 4-5 pm, S274:
- Julia Lee-Taylor (Jimenez Group and NCAR): "Using the GECKO-A explicit chemistry model to better understand lab and field observations",
- Jay Kroll (Vaida Group): "Photochemical Formation of Sulfur Aerosol",
- Followed by happy hour at Illegal Pete's on the Hill
- Thu. 20-July-2017, 4-5 pm, S274 (followed by happy hour on the Hill)
- Megan Claflin (Ziemann Group): "Products and Mechanism of Aerosol Formation from the Reaction of β-Pinene with NO3 Radicals: Role of Oligomer Formation",
- Ted Koenig (Volkamer Group): "Bromine and iodine measurements in the tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS)".
- Followed by happy hour at Illegal Pete's on the Hill
Summer 2014
- Thu 12-Jun-2014, 4-5 pm, S274:
- Shang Liu (Ziemann/Jimenez Groups) on "Preliminary Results of Indoor Air Field Study"
- Rob Wild (Brown Group) on "Reactive Nitrogen Partitioning and its Relationship to Winter Ozone Events in Utah."
- Followed by happy hr at The Goose on the Hill.
- Tue 15-Jul-2014, 4-5 pm, S274:
- Allison Reed Harris (Vaida Group) on “Effect of the atmospheric environment on the photochemistry of pyruvic acid”
- Dr. Barbara Ervens (NOAA ESRL/CSD, and CIRES) on "Oligomer formation in the aerosol aqueous phase: Mechanism development and model studies."
- Followed by happy hr at Half Fast Subs on the Hill.
- Thu 21-Aug-2014, 4-5 pm, S274
- Presenter from Tolbert Group (title TBD)
- Eleanor Waxman (Volkamer Group) on "Salting-in and Salting-out: New concepts for Multiphase SOA formation from small OVOC"
- Followed by happy hr on the Hill.