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The purpose of this page is to serve as a guide for the "Check-in" of new members of the Jimenez Group at CU-Boulder.

Paperwork, Keys, etc.

___ Register with the International Students & Scholars Office (US citizens only)
___ Get a Social Security Number at the Boulder SS Office (non-US citizens only)
___ Do personnel paperwork with the CIRES Administration (Rhonda Miller as of June'09)
___ Sign up for an email account with CIRES Computing Facility (through Rhonda)
___ Get keys for lab and office (from Rob Schubert as of June'09)
___ Register with the CIRES Message Center (to receive notification of faxes & packages)
___ Get your name on the CIRES Mailboxes and get a mailbox number
___ Get the copier code from Michael: _____________ (only for work-related copies)
___ Get the long distance phone and fax code from Michael: _____________ (only for work-related calls)

Email Lists

___ Sign up for the Jimenez Group email list (by sending email to listproc@lists.Colorado.EDU with "subscribe jimenez-group your-full-name" in the body of the message (subject of message doesn't matter)
_X_ Note that you will be automatically signed up for the <> email list when you sign up to the Jimenez-Group list
___ Sign up for AMS-Users Email lists following these instructions
___ Sign up for Chemistry Dept. email list(s) (if appropriate) following these instructions

Computer and Software

___ Do you have a Windows laptop? If not order a Dell laptop
___ Do you have at least one backup hard drive? If not get one from Apricorn
___ Install Microsoft Office (if not there already)
___ Install Latest version of Igor Pro (if not there already)
___ Install Viceversa backup software (if not there already)
___ Program Viceversa to backup your computer hard drive at least every week (better every day)
___ Get the username: ______________ and password: _________________ for the group restricted web page from Michael
___ Get the username: ______________ and password: _________________ for your new Group Wiki account to be created by Michael