ANYL Sem Guidelines

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Revision as of 14:06, 21 April 2010 by Jose (talk | contribs)
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  • v2: Revised 21-Apr-2010
  • v1: 9-Aug-2004

1. Faculty members will continue to give 20-minute research presentations on the first available Mondays in the fall semester.

2. Graduate student participation in the Seminar Program will be as follows:

  • All graduate students are expected to attend all of the seminars in the program.
  • 1st year students will give 20-minute presentations prior to Thanksgiving.
  • 2nd year students, who will be taking their oral comprehensive exams, will not give seminars.
  • 3rd year students will give a 30-40 minute seminar, normally in the spring semester. After the seminar, the audience will be excused and the student together with the ANYL/ENV/ATM faculty members will discuss the student’s progress towards a Ph.D. thesis.
  • 4th year students will not be expected to give seminars. However, all 4th year students will be appointed to the Mentoring Committee: after each 1st year student seminar, all 4th year students will meet with the 1st year students and provide feedback (for 1/2 hr after the seminar).
  • Graduate students who defend their Ph.D. theses during the AY will be expected to schedule their final defense as part of the Seminar Program. The student will give a 40-50 minute public seminar followed by a closed session with the members of their thesis committee.

3. During each AY, each faculty member in the division, in consultation with their research group, should plan to invite and host one outside speaker. The costs associated with these speakers will be paid for by the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Faculty members who wish to invite additional outside speakers should contact CIRES or the Environmental Program about support for these speakers. Faculty members can also invite local scientists as speakers, but they should attempt to choose speakers whose research would be interesting to most of the people who regularly attend the seminars.

4. It is likely that given the guidelines above, it will not be necessary to schedule seminars on all Tuesdays during the AY. However, when seminars are scheduled, all faculty members in the division are committed to attending them and to requiring attendance of their research groups.