StratPlot menu

Only visible when the active window is a Strat Plot; separate lists of options are maintained for the two versions of Strat Plot in PaleoMag. Current options in the active window are checked accordingly.
Positive Level Up:
If checked, strat levels (or file positions) are assumed to be positive upwards.
Level = File Position:
If checked, strat levels are ignored and each direction is assigned an integer value for the order in which it is in the source (.SAM) file.
Connect Points:
Connect points in the three strat panes with lines.
Shade Normal Pol:
Fill the circles of the points from samples with inclinations (or paleolatitudes or VGP latitudes, depending on what is plotted in the inclination pane) that are greater than zero.
Produces a dialog allowing the user to change the limits on the declination pane, the moment/MAD pane, and the stratigraphic level displayed. Focusing on the entire range of currently selected directions is accomplished by checking the "Use top and bottom samples for bounds" button; this must be unchecked for the Strat levels specified to be used.

Only one of the following three options can be active at once:

Plot Sample Incl:
The default. The inclination in either stratigraphic or geographic (or core) coordinates is plotted in the inclination pane.
Incl = Paleolatitude:
Replace the Inclination pane with the paleolatitude calculated from the inclination.
Incl = VGP Latitude:
Replace the Inclination pane with the latitude of the Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) calculated from the declination and inclination. This has no effect when core coordinates are being plotted.

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