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RAMS pubs : 1 | 2 | 3

Human Impacts

Human Impacts on Weather and Climate

PART I. THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SCIENCE OF WEATHER MODIFICATION BY CLOUD SEEDING/ The rise of the science of weather modification by cloud seeding/ The glory years of weather modification/ The fall of the science of weather modification by cloud seeding/

PART II. HUMAN IMPACTS ON REGIONAL WEATHER AND CLIMATE/ Anthropogenic emissions of aerosols and gases/ Urban-induced changes in precipitation and weather/ Other landuse changes/ Concluding remarks regarding human impacts on regional weather and climate/

PART III. HUMAN IMPACTS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE/ Fundamental principles important to understanding global climate change/ Climatic effects of anthropogenic aerosol/ Nuclear winter/ The greenhouse gas theory/ Human impacts on biosphere forcing of climatic variability

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