Grid view of Western U.S. Tectonics mini-websites

Place Age Tectonic Issue Approach Author
Whole region Cenozoic Epiorogeny paleobotany+paleoaltimetry Kali Wallace
Whole region Cenozoic Epiorogeny paleoelevation (isotopes) Katherine Dayem
Plates off Pacific NW Neogene Spreading evolution marine geophysics David Oliver
Cascadia Subduction Zone Neogene subduction seismic tomography Gaspar Monsalve
British Columbia Paleogene-Cret. Exotic terranes paleomagnetism, detrital zircons Naia Suszek
Gulf of California Neogene Plate capture magnetic anomalies James Stewart-Moore
San Andreas fault Neogene Transform development plate reconstruction Alex Tate
Cascades Cenozoic Arc development erosional dating Colin O'Rourke
Calif. Coast Ranges Neogene Thrust wedging Coulomb wedge Maureen Berlin
Mojave Desert Paleogene lithosphere removal age of lithosphere Chris Harig
Columbia Plateaus Neogene Flood basalts isotopic fractionation Heidi Reeg
Sierra Nevada Neogene Isostasy geophysical integration Charles Wilson
Sierra Nevada Neogene Incision and uplift erosion Brian Yanites
Sierra Nevada Mesozoic batholith genesis siliceous magma genesis Tanya Unger
Sierra Nevada Mesozoic Intra-arc shearing lineated mylonites Oliver Boyd
Sierra Nevada Mesozoic Gold mineralization nitrogen isotopes Aaron Hantsche
Basin and Range Cenozoic Extensional Denudation Core Complex theories Vicki Rystrom
Basin and Range Mesozoic Midcrustal contraction and extension Ar-Ar dating Andy Wickert
Basin and Range Precambrian Supercontinent Reconstruction Nd model ages Joya Tétreault
Colorado Plateau Neogene Isostasy Pn seismic refraction Linda Lastowka
Colorado Plateau Cenozoic Uplift/erosion He3/4 geochronology Joshua Johnson
Colorado Plateau Permian Salt tectonics Well logging Katherine Kravitz
Rio Grande Rift Neogene Rift initiation shallow geophysics + SKS splitting Otina Fox
Rio Grande Rift Neogene Lithospheric rifting Deep seismic imaging Weisen Shen
Rio Grande Rift Neogene Sill emplacement InSAR Jenny Nakai
Wasatch Front Paleogene Thrust belt evolution flexural foredeeps Tarka Wilcox
Rockies, Wasatch Front Paleogene Thrust style reflection seismology Tom de la Torre
Rockies Paleozoic intracratonic tectonics sedimentary facies Lauren Powell
Rockies Paleogene intracratonic tectonics sedimentary facies Ben Burger
Rockies Precambrian lithospheric mantle suture diatreme petrology David Brown
Rockies Precambrian crustal terrane suture monazite geochronology Dustin Ward
Rockies/Wyoming Modern lithospheric strength gravity techniques Will Levandowski
San Juan Mtns Mid-Cenozoic Ignimbrite volcanism petrogenesis of melt Eric Cannon
Colorado Mineral Belt Paleogene Intracontinental volcanism rare earth elements in volcanics Treasure Bailley
Great Plains Paleogene Crustal flow lower crustal flow Greg Benson


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