Rocky Mountain Snowstorm of '03

Twin Sisters Valley, Colorado, Noon, March 22, 2003. Excavation begins. Rumor had it that the Big Equipment got to the front of Twin Sisters (about a mile away) around noon, so Hans decided to go to work on the car, in a lovely balmy 50 degrees. (Click on any of the thumbnails for a larger image.)

2:48 p.m. You gotta start somewhere. (Hans mutters something about the Aegean Stables...)

There is really a car under here!

Snow snails.

Yet another angle on the truck--(can you see the antenna?)

Arrow's not so sure this is going to work, but she's sure to take her nap in front of the car, so that we don't go anywhere without her.

I decide to join the digging, and hear a soft "whump!" (Has anyone ever been buried in an avalanche off the top of their car?)

4:01 p.m. and we finish (so to speak). Heres' what it looks like from the deck. Arrow is patrolling the snow shoe track. Last night she took her bone out there and laid down right in the middle of the track to munch on it. Where else could a good dog go?

Don't ask me why I'm so excited about this, Hans is the one who did most of the work.

Daquiris, anyone? Having nothing better to do, we decide to hop on the skis and see how far the real excavation has gotten.

My tracks down the neighbor's driveway from yesterday.

Twin Sisters Road. Not that you'd notice.

There is a Chevy Suburban under that lump.

Ah, yes, there he is! 5:08p.m., and he's made it the first 1/4 mile.

Moving in a little closer, we wave a couple of Snickers Bars. (If we'd a been thinkin', we woulda brought sandwiches.)

The driver sees the Snickers Bars and stops to chat.

We promise him hot soup by the time he makes it to our place. (He doesn't believe us, and when Hans makes good on our promise later at midnight, he's shocked.)

We turn around and head home.

On the way back, I decide to stop and help the owner of the Suburban dig around it, so the excavator will see it later and (hopefully) not pack it in even farther. Her little terriers are very curious about this whole operation.

9:00 p.m. Time spent with a cat is never wasted.

Mary Jo Brodzik <>
Last modified: Sat Mar 22 13:19:13 2003